

Hi and welcome to the present release of 'what the heck am I taking a gander at and for what reason am I slobbering?'. You my dear companion are taking a gander at an egg cooked inside the highest point of a morning meal bagel AKA your new most loved end of the week breaky. 

Provided that you're not eating your egg inside a bagel is there any point in eating it?? 

I mean truly, the appropriate response is consistently truly, however god damn it tastes so great opened strapped of a bagel. 

Additionally, it looks so slick! You know, eating with your eyes what not. 

Normal egg in an opening plans regularly call for toast and most simply leave it at that. Of course, egg in a gap toast is incredible, yet on the off chance that you've been a peruser of dig for some time you realize I like to take things to the outrageous. 

Like I said toward the start, this morning meal bagel isn't only a pretty face and before we analyze it to see exactly how heavenly it is, how about we right off the bat perceive that it is so natural to make.

2 Bagels
4 rashers of Bacon
2 small Avocados, peeled & destoned
2 tsp Chilli Jam
2 Eggs
1 block Halloumi, divided into 6
1 tsp Butter
Lemon Juice, to taste
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt & Black Pepper, to taste
Chives, to garnish


  1. Begin by lightly smashing your avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and salt & pepper to taste. Place to one side.
  2. Slice your bagels in half so you have a 'top' and 'base' slice. Toast your base slice either under the grill or in the toaster. Slice a hole large enough to fit an egg in the top half. Place both to one side.
  3. Fry your bacon until desired crispiness, then fry your halloumi in the bacon fat until golden both sides.
  4. Melt your butter in the pan, place the top bagel in the pan and crack an egg in the centre. Leave to fry for a few mins, then pop under the grill until just cooked throughout.
  5. Stack in the following order: base bagel, smashed avo, bacon, halloumi, chilli jam, top bagel with egg. Garnish will a sprinkle of finely diced chives.

For more detail: http://bit.ly/2FZz7YQ

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