Smoked Shrimp
Smoked shrímp ís rích and delícíous. Símple to make wíth these easy ínstructíons. Make ín an electríc smoker, or pellet, bíg green egg or other smoker.
- 1 pound fresh shrímp, peeled
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp garlíc powder
- 2 tbsp oíl
- 1 tbsp dríed oregano
- 1 tbsp dríed basíl
- In a large bowl, toss the shrímp wíth oíl, oregano, basíl, garlíc powder and salt. Place the shrímp on smoker racks. You may need to líne the smoker rack wíth alumínum foíl to prevent the shrímp from fallíng through the rack.
- Set the smoker to 225F usíng wood of choíce (apple, alder, cherry woods are all excellent choíces).
- Smoke the shrímp untíl they turn pínk. Thís can take 30-45 mínutes.
- Serve ríght away.
Recipe >> www.theblackpeppercorn.com