

This Wake Me Up Coffee Smoothie has all that you requirement for a total breakfast: entire grains, natural product, caffeine, and a spot of protein in case you're feeling it. 

Once in a while espresso is sufficient. When I lived in Texas, I had a major 'Merica-sized espresso pot that'd mix me a goliath Hydro Flask worth of espresso that I'd taste throughout the day. In any case, presently I live in Europe where everything is all the more unobtrusively estimated, including, shockingly, the espresso. Which means now, an espresso doesn't constantly cut it. Furthermore, that, my companions, is the reason we have an espresso smoothie. 

Also, today I'm requiring this espresso smoothie. The previous evening, as a tardy birthday present to the tulip-man, three of us advanced an hour east to the lovable town of Tilburg for a show. What's more, despite the fact that most it was in Dutch, it was so much fun! Be that as it may, lesson of the story is… we were up extremely late and now we're all languid heads in urgent need of an espresso smoothie. 

Begin with chilled espresso, at that point include solidified banana (for characteristic sweetness and thick coldness), oats, milk, and nut margarine for an additional punch of protein. You can likewise utilize a crisp (non-solidified banana) and include a bunch of ice. At that point simply mix everything together until smooth and rich and appreciate!

1 banana previously sliced and frozen
½ cup strong brewed coffee 120 mL, chilled
½ cup milk 120 mL, any variety
¼ cup rolled oats 25 g
Optional: spoonful of nut butter

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth, adding more milk as necessary to reach a consistency to your liking. Optionally top with a sprinkle of chocolate and serve immediately.

If you liked this coffee smoothie you may also like this Tofu Mocha Frappuccino!

For more detail: http://bit.ly/2KvdXDj

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