

Regardless of to what extent you've been on a keto diet, the infrequent wanting will in any case turn up for a portion of your old solace nourishments, for me these smaller than usual mushroom keto pizzas help fend off one of my greatest carb filled shortcomings. 

Pizza is certainly a standout amongst my most missed sustenances on the keto diet, not that it's something I used to make myself! Requesting a pizza was so helpful and scrumptious, yet in addition a standout amongst the least sound alternatives I could make. Pizza for me was a stimulating beverage something I would jump when I was feeling apathetic, or had a taxing day at work and simply needed something scrumptious, quick. 

There are a lot of keto plans out there to reproduce the pizza batter base and get as near the genuine article as could be expected under the circumstances. However, for me it's the flavors and that comfort that I long for most. These portobello mushroom smaller than normal keto pizzas are incredible to get that fix, with negligible exertion on my part. 

The incredible thing here is the means by which basic these are to make, requiring for all intents and purposes no cooking background and almost no time in the kitchen. I can assemble these in a few minutes of genuine work, and afterward go off and accomplish something different until they're prepared. Every one of the kinds of keto pizza without all the work that accompanies attempting to reproduce the pizza batter base.

4 Large Portobello Mushrooms
100 g Low carb marinara sauce (1/2 Cup)
80 g fresh or grated mozzarella
20 slices pepperoni or chorizo sausage


  1. (Optional First Step) - Arrange mushrooms onto ovenproof tray, gills up. Sprinkle with salt and cook in oven heated to 375°F (190°C) for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and drain away liquid from pan and mushrooms.
  2. Arrange mushrooms onto baking tray, gill up. Spread 2 tbsp marinara sauce onto each, followed by 1/4 of the mozzarella (approx 20g or 2 tbsp). Finally arrange 5 slices of pepperoni onto each pizza
  3. Bake in the over for 20 minutes at 375°F (190°C) until cheese begins to turn golden and bubbly. Serve immediately.

For more detail: https://bit.ly/2Botd0W

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