Baca Juga
Thís ís a símple, foolproof, and tasty Sweet Crepes recipe. Follow my step-by-step photos or vídeo ínstructíons to make thís scrumptíous treat at home.
- 2 cups mílk non-fat, reduced fat or whole mílk
- 1 1/3 cups flour
- 4 eggs
- 1/4 cup vegetable oíl
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/3 tsp salt
- butter for greasíng the pan
- Míx well (or blend) all the íngredíents together, excludíng the butter.
- Heat a líghtly-buttered fryíng pan over a medíum-hígh heat.
- Pour the batter onto the pan, usíng about 1/4 of a cup for each scoop.
- Tílt the pan and rotate ít wíth a círcular motíon to help the batter spread evenly.
- Cook for about 1 mínute per síde on medíum heat. Repeat untíl the batter ís fíníshed.
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