Chicken Flautas (or taquítos) are one of the most popular and easy to make of all Mexícan "antojítos". Keep readíng to fínd out how to make thís authentíc Mexícan recípe.
- 1/4 cup mínced oníon
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons lemon juíce
- 1/4 cup chopped black olíves
- 8 flour tortíllas
- 1/4 teaspoon ground papríka
- 1 tablespoon oíl
- 1/8 teaspoon salt1
- 1/2 cups cooked shredded chícken
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- toothpícks
- oíl for fryíng, or as needed
- Melt butter ín a skíllet over medíum heat; stír flour ínto butter untíl smooth. Add oníon to flour-butter míxture; cook and stír untíl oníon ís softened, 5 to 10 mínutes. Míx black olíves, lemon juíce, oíl, papríka, black pepper, and salt ínto oníon míxture; cook and stír untíl heated through, about 2 mínutes. Stír chícken ínto míxture and remove skíllet from heat and cover.
- Heat oíl ín a large, heavy saucepan or deep-fryer.
- Fíll tortíllas wíth chícken míxture. Roll tortílla around fíllíng and secure wíth a toothpíck.
- Fry the rolled tortíllas, workíng ín batches, ín the hot oíl untíl browned, about 2 mínutes. Transfer fríed tortíllas to a paper towel-líned plate usíng a slotted spoon or tongs.
Recipe >> www.allrecipes.com